How to Develop a Good Habit by Richard Uzelac

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How to Develop a Good Habit by Richard Uzelac

The first thing that comes to mind when I reflect on the topic of habit is a goal. What is a habit without a goal? How do people develop both bad and good habits? Did they have a goal in mind while developing them? Scientifically and according to Merriam-Webster’s definition, a habit is described as 


how to develop a good habit

Repeating engagement is key in transforming a behavior into a habit, reducing the need for ongoing decision-making. Recognizing the profound benefits, such as knowledge and groundedness cultivated through daily meditation, becomes crucial as these rewards serve as intrinsic motivation, enabling us to sustain these practices effortlessly without the burden of expending excessive energy. – Richard Uzelac

What habits do you wish you serve?

Here are Richard Uzelac’s Favorite habit​

  1. Working out consistently
  2. Reading Philosophy every day
  3. Eating healthily 90 percent of the time
  4. Treating my wife with respect and love
  5. Treating people in general with respect
  6. Being responsible, especially when it is difficult
  7. And Giving it all up to God. (I still need to do this more)

How Richard Uzelac Develops a Good Habit?

“Whatever you repeat over and over again is what the brain deems as important. Repetition holds crucial significance as it influences the brain’s perception of importance. Therefore, it is essential to emphasize that whether it pertains to something beneficial, such as exercising, or detrimental, such as smoking, or even necessary, like driving a car, when there is frequent repetition and dopamine release in the brain, the brain acknowledges its significance and assigns its importance.”, says Richard, (a California business entrepreneur, has successfully founded two internet-based companies: GoMarketing and RealtyTech Inc.)

Self Awareness and Mindfulness: Get a pen and write down everything you do for one week. Be honest with yourself and provide detailed descriptions of your small behaviors. Then, review the list and contemplate whether you truly desire to be that person engaging in those activities every day. If not, and you wish to make changes, my second piece of advice is to take small steps. Small steps allow you to achieve significant results. Although it may take longer, it increases the likelihood of sustained progress.


Find a Cue: Envision yourself in various scenarios, both short-term and long-term, while considering the development of a routine or schedule for the habit. Picture how your life would appear and the emotions you would experience upon achieving each goal. Pay close attention to your emotional responses and determine which visions resonate most strongly with you. By integrating a routine or schedule, you can establish a consistent pattern that simplifies the maintenance of the habit.


Start small: Initiate the process with small changes and progressively escalate the difficulty level as time progresses. This approach will enable you to gain momentum and solidify the habit. Additionally, develop a routine or schedule for the habit, which will assist in establishing a consistent pattern and contribute to the habit’s ease of maintenance. Like reading 10 mins a day.


Prepare for roadblocks that hinder consistent practice: Reflect on past obstacles, such as fear, shame, or lack of time. Familiarize yourself with these blockers to swiftly identify and manage them when they arise. Schedule uninterrupted time for gym sessions and find an ally to hold you accountable and share your goals. Persistence and proactive measures pave the way to overcoming hurdles in building lasting habits.


Find support: Surround yourself with individuals who are supportive and can provide support and encouragement as you work towards developing the habit. Seek out role models, mentors, or individuals who have achieved similar goals. Learn from their experiences, gain insights into their journey, and allow their stories to inspire you. You can engage in activities like reading books, attending seminars, or connecting with like-minded people who share your interests.


Be Persistent: Developing good habits requires adopting the habit of persistency. Embrace the determination to consistently pursue your desired behavior. Overcome obstacles and resist the allure of instant gratification. Stay committed, even when progress seems slow. With persistency, small daily actions transform into lifelong habits, propelling you towards success.

Richard Uzelac’s Take Away to Unlocking the Power of Good Habit

Explore your passions and values, then visualize a future aligned with those aspirations. Experiment, seek inspiration, and adapt as you evolve. Trust your intuition and embrace the process. Patience and self-kindness will guide you toward a fulfilling path of purpose.
What do you do every day? Are you truly conscious of your behaviors, particularly the small, subconscious actions that often go unnoticed? It’s crucial to cultivate awareness and bring these behaviors into focus.

Explore your passions and values, and then visualize a future that aligns with those aspirations. Experiment, seek inspiration, and adapt as you evolve. Trust your intuition and embrace the process with patience and self-kindness. These virtues will guide you toward a fulfilling path of purpose.

Moreover,if you desire change, start with tiny steps that may seem insignificant at first. Over time, these small steps will accumulate and manifest into something significant. Embrace the power of gradual progress and recognize that even the tiniest action can contribute to larger transformations. By being aware and taking small steps, you have the ability to create a significant and long lasting change in your life.


Richard Uzelac
Ceo of Realty Tech & GoMarketing



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