Thank You | Richard Uzelac

So I’m feeling especially blessed and loved by God today. I thought of righting about the race for the Presidency of the United States of America, Romney vs. Obama. I thought of writing about the virtues of being ‘almost’ a vegetarian. I even thought of writing about the plight of the small business owner in […]

Democrats and Republicans: So Many Shades of Grey

I had an email conversation recently with a friend, more of an acquaintance actually, but someone I truly respect and admire. the tone went sour quite quickly and it made me a bit surprised and a bit sad.   The Back Story: If I had to label myself I would be a:  Fiscally Conservative, Libertarian, […]

Vote Everyone Out Come Fall. It’s all we can do, and we can do it America!

A Dear friend just sent this to me, so simple, so powerful: Hello, this is something I have felt compelled to write for some time and so I finally did.  Please take a moment to read this message and contemplate the magnitude of the impact you can make.   Our political system is completely corrupt, […]

The American People: the most important Candidates in the election

Can you feel it? Can you feel a more active and politically aware and rational populace awakening? The power hungry and the power brokers can put the players in place, but finally I feel an American People are awakening with eyes wide open. I think the politicians and Big Banking sees it too. So, even […]

Obama is Not Properly Equipped to Run the United States of America

I realize that is a pretty strong headline, but I believe it is true. There is no doubt in my mind that Obama is doing the best that he can. I also believe he thinks what he is doing is the best for America. But I also believe he does not have the wisdom, education, […]