Choosing Journey Over Destination: The Better Mindset

We’ve all had big goals and dreams that we desperately want to achieve – landing a dream job, traveling the world, or building a successful business. It’s exciting to visualize that ultimate destination and what life will be like when we get there. However, many of us can get so fixated on the destination that […]
How to Avoid Depression: 7 Effective Techniques to Prevent Relapse by Richard Uzelac

Techniques to Avoid Depression Depression is a debilitating condition that affects individuals in various ways. While triggers may differ from person to person, there are several techniques that can help prevent or avoid a relapse. In this article, we will explore seven powerful strategies to incorporate into your life to maintain mental well-being and reduce […]
How to Become Successful At Work by Richard Uzelac
Success is often glorified and considered the ultimate goal; isn’t it true? Whether we strive for success in our personal lives or professional careers, it motivates us to work harder and often measures our self-worth. However, as we look around, we can’t help but wonder why so many successful people are still unhappy and unfulfilled. […]
Meditation by Richard Uzelac
The Power of Meditation: How it Can Benefit the Brain and Improve Well-Being by Richard Uzelac What is Meditation? Meditation is a technique for training the mind to cultivate mindfulness and focus on the present moment. It helps individuals to reduce stress, be calmer, and be kinder to themselves and others. Meditation is a way […]
“How To Find Peace” Richard Uzelac’s Piece from Daily Stoic
1. Avoid thinking of too many problems Letting worries take control of you and your thoughts will bring nothing but stress. Have you ever wondered when we think too much of troubled thoughts, we become restless? Causing us physical harm and even damage to whatever is surrounding us. And even damage our well-being at some […]
Kaizen for Over All Betterment by Richard Uzelac
One of the countries I’m planning on visiting is Japan. I learned from others that Japanese people are so disciplined, and I would want to see this country someday and witness how magnificent their culture is and them. Stoics believed that human nature emulates its surroundings. So, I think if I were to live in […]
Stoicism: How it Impacts our Daily Life | Richard Uzelac
Stoicism: Epictetus Philosophy in our Daily Life by Richard Uzelac ” It’s always very hard at first. When I sold my first house, that’s when I realized why do I feel scared when I’d got nothing to lose when I was selling” Richard Uzelac Stoicism: Epictetus Philosophy in our Daily Life I have been thinking […]
Greetings from 2019 Richard Uzelac!
Conservatives and Leftists need to talk and form some commonality if we are to survive as a Constitutional Republic. – Richard Uzelac
The Tao: Curiously Familiar by Richard Uzelac
Reading Dr. Wayne Dyer’s: Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life: Living the Wisdom of the Tao. Actually my wife and I read it every morning with coffee, then we try to apply what we read during the day. It has become a tradition. we are on the 36th chapter and thus 36 days in a row […]
Best Year in the Stock Market Since 1996! Something seems to be working…
Just noticed that the stick market has been up for this past year, 2013, better than it has been in a single year in almost 20 years! Why is that? What’s going on? You got me. I have no idea why it is so much better. Maybe whatever the government is doing, is working? Maybe […]