Richard Uzelac’s Digital Marketing Strategies for Small Businesses
Richard Uzelac Consulting Offers Small Businesses Affordable Digital Marketing Strategies Richard Uzelac, of Richard Uzelac Consulting, started his consulting business with the expressed intention of helping small businesses to get a foothold in the Google search results (and the subsequent increase in website traffic, inquiries, and sales) for their products and Services. “God has been […]
Greetings from 2019 Richard Uzelac!
Conservatives and Leftists need to talk and form some commonality if we are to survive as a Constitutional Republic. – Richard Uzelac
Richard Uzelac: Libratarian, Fiscal Conservative Republican on Obama’s Re-Election
OK, I’ll admit I was a bit in shock when President Obama was re-elected. From all I understood about America, Capitalism and free enterprise, Obama wasn’t the man for the job. So now what do I do? Bellyache? Whine? Point fingers at others? Well, maybe I did a bit of that. But after a while […]
Richard Uzelac’s Take on the Election: Vote for Romney/Ryan, they understand Capitalism. Obama wants Socialism
“Socialism is great until you run out of other people’s money.”- Margret Thatcher, former Prime Minister of Britannia
Thank You | Richard Uzelac
So I’m feeling especially blessed and loved by God today. I thought of righting about the race for the Presidency of the United States of America, Romney vs. Obama. I thought of writing about the virtues of being ‘almost’ a vegetarian. I even thought of writing about the plight of the small business owner in […]
Democrats and Republicans: So Many Shades of Grey
I had an email conversation recently with a friend, more of an acquaintance actually, but someone I truly respect and admire. the tone went sour quite quickly and it made me a bit surprised and a bit sad. The Back Story: If I had to label myself I would be a: Fiscally Conservative, Libertarian, […]
28 Ways to Stop Complicating Your Life, by Dr. James M. Wendling, The Wendling Group
I got this email today and it was so positive and intelligently written, I had to post it on my Blog. Dr. James M. Wendling and his Group offer a great deal of Wisdom, go check them out. 28 Ways to Stop Complicating Your Life Starting today… 1.Stop berating yourself for […]
United States Soon to have Highest Corporate Tax Rate in the World
Hi Friends, I came across this article in the website by way of the website. I just had to copy and paste it into my blog. I don’t usually do this but I am including for attribution and linkbacks so I think it’s fine with all. One Month to Go Until We Have […]
The American People: the most important Candidates in the election
Can you feel it? Can you feel a more active and politically aware and rational populace awakening? The power hungry and the power brokers can put the players in place, but finally I feel an American People are awakening with eyes wide open. I think the politicians and Big Banking sees it too. So, even […]