Work on Being Honest in Your Relationships, Every Day.
In the journey of love and connection, one of the most crucial elements is honesty – not just with our partners, but with ourselves. Often, we find ourselves trapped in cycles of self-sabotage, unknowingly undermining the very relationships we cherish. Stop being in denial about your personal feelings. Sometimes, we think that we could […]
How to Develop a Good Habit by Richard Uzelac
How to Develop a Good Habit by Richard Uzelac The first thing that comes to mind when I reflect on the topic of habit is a goal. What is a habit without a goal? How do people develop both bad and good habits? Did they have a goal in mind while developing them? Scientifically and […]
How to Implement Time Management, by Richard Uzelac
Being productive can be challenging, especially when you have a lot on your plate. However, by implementing some simple strategies, you can stay organized and focused on your objectives. Have you ever found yourself feeling stress-free after accomplishing some tasks? Also, do you feel stressed when there is too much on your plate? One formula […]
Richard Uzelac in Finding Stillness in Your Life
In Stoic philosophy, stillness is often referred to as “apatheia” or “ataraxia”… These fancy words basically mean achieving a sense of tranquillity, calmness, and peace of mind. Picture this: You have a big presentation at work that’s making you feel all sorts of nervous and anxious. Instead of trying to push those feelings aside or […]
Stoicism: How it Impacts our Daily Life | Richard Uzelac
Stoicism: Epictetus Philosophy in our Daily Life by Richard Uzelac ” It’s always very hard at first. When I sold my first house, that’s when I realized why do I feel scared when I’d got nothing to lose when I was selling” Richard Uzelac Stoicism: Epictetus Philosophy in our Daily Life I have been thinking […]
The Tao: Curiously Familiar by Richard Uzelac
Reading Dr. Wayne Dyer’s: Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life: Living the Wisdom of the Tao. Actually my wife and I read it every morning with coffee, then we try to apply what we read during the day. It has become a tradition. we are on the 36th chapter and thus 36 days in a row […]
Best Year in the Stock Market Since 1996! Something seems to be working…
Just noticed that the stick market has been up for this past year, 2013, better than it has been in a single year in almost 20 years! Why is that? What’s going on? You got me. I have no idea why it is so much better. Maybe whatever the government is doing, is working? Maybe […]
Richard Uzelac: Elephants, let’s save them.
We need to save the elephants to help evolve and enlightened humans. We need to save them for future generations of humans, and of elephants. We need to save them because we can. Elephants are the largest surviving land mammals on the planet. They are the largest species on earth since the Indricotherium. Alas, the […]
Richard Uzelac: Libratarian, Fiscal Conservative Republican on Obama’s Re-Election
OK, I’ll admit I was a bit in shock when President Obama was re-elected. From all I understood about America, Capitalism and free enterprise, Obama wasn’t the man for the job. So now what do I do? Bellyache? Whine? Point fingers at others? Well, maybe I did a bit of that. But after a while […]
Richard Uzelac’s Take on the Election: Vote for Romney/Ryan, they understand Capitalism. Obama wants Socialism
“Socialism is great until you run out of other people’s money.”- Margret Thatcher, former Prime Minister of Britannia