Meditation by Richard Uzelac

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The Power of Meditation: How it Can Benefit the Brain and Improve Well-Being by Richard Uzelac


What is Meditation? 

  Meditation is a technique for training the mind to cultivate mindfulness and focus on the present moment. It helps individuals to reduce stress, be calmer, and be kinder to themselves and others. Meditation is a way of training attention, which allows individuals to step out of distracted thoughts and arrive at the present moment in a balanced and clear way.  

While many people are accustomed to living in a fast-paced, technology-driven world where distractions are abundant, and the idea of slowing down and focusing on one thing may seem daunting or even uncomfortable, it is still nice to practice Meditation as it is shown to have great benefits. If you are about to start practicing Meditation, skepticism may stem.

Although it is understandable, for many of us with limited knowledge of what Meditation entails and how it can be beneficial, it is inevitable. We all have our preconceived notions about Meditation. However, with proper guidance and practice, many people find that their skepticism begins to dissipate as they experience the benefits of Meditation firsthand. These benefits can include reduced stress and anxiety, increased focus and productivity, improved sleep, and a greater sense of overall well-being.
  In fact, some people become such avid practitioners of meditation that it becomes an integral part of their daily routine and a cornerstone of their mental and emotional health. So while skepticism is a common starting point for many people, it is important to keep an open mind and be willing to explore the potential benefits of this ancient practice.  

Benefits of Meditation 

    Peace by Richard Uzelac
  1. Preserving the Pre-Frontal Cortex 
Meditation has been shown to have significant benefits for the brain, including thicker tissue in the left pre-frontal cortex, an area important for memory, decision-making, and well-being. This area typically shrinks as we age, but meditation may help to preserve it. Studies are being conducted around the world to explore the potential benefits of meditation for a variety of conditions.  
Dr. Sara Lazar’s(a neuro scientist) study focused on ordinary professionals in the Boston area who meditated 30 to 40 minutes a day. She found that meditation may help slow the aging process of the brain
  1. Stress Reduction, and Happiness
Meditation has been found to have positive effects on multiple areas of the brain, including the hippocampus, which is associated with memory and learning, and the amygdala, which activates the fight-or-flight response. Studies have shown that meditation can decrease stress, improve focus and memory, boost the immune system, and increase overall happiness.
  1. Reduced the symptoms associated with depression, anxiety disorders, pain and insomnia because it alters our brain structurally and functionally. 
Richard Uzelac’s Best Approach to Meditation Practice

  • Mindfulness Meditation is Richard Uzelac’s favorite. Here are some guides to start with your mindful practice 
Practice breathing deeply:
Breathe in for 4 seconds.
Hold for 1 second.
Exhale through the mouth on the count of 5.
Repeat often.
Enjoy a stroll:
Notice your breath, sights, and sounds around you.
When thoughts or worries come up, note them, then return to the present.
Practice mindful eating:
Be aware of the taste, texture, and flavors in each bite.
Listen to your body when hungry or full.
Find mindfulness resources:
Look out for yoga and meditation classes, mindfulness-based stress reduction programs, and books in your local community.
  • Take a Class
  • Practicing on your own
  • Apps – Many apps are available for ios and android devices that can help you select your preferred meditation session. Many of these use a soothing voice, gentle music or nature sound to transport a sense of calmness. 
Here are some of the best-recommended Meditation Apps you can find  
  1. Headspace
  2. Ten Percent Happier Meditation
  3. Insight Timer
  4. Buddhify
  5. Simple Habit
  • Listening to Meditation Songs 

“Tell me to what you pay attention and I will tell you who you are.”

Richard Uzelac’s TakeAway For You: 

In our daily lives, we are often bombarded with an endless stream of distractions, whether it be external stimuli such as noises and visual cues or internal thoughts and emotions. These distractions can make it difficult for us to stay focused and productive. However, through meditation, we can learn how to quiet our minds and direct our attention to a single point of focus. By learning how to direct our attention, we gain greater control over our minds and our lives. We can learn to focus on the present moment, rather than being distracted by past regrets or future worries. We can also become more aware of our thoughts and feelings, and learn to let go of negative or unproductive thoughts. This will lead to a greater sense of inner peace and clarity, and can help us to make better decisions and take more intentional actions in our lives.


Overall, the ability to direct our attention is a crucial skill that we can develop through the practice of meditation. By doing so, we can become more mindful and intentional in our thoughts and actions, and experience greater inner peace and happiness as a result.





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