Thank You | Richard Uzelac
So I’m feeling especially blessed and loved by God today. I thought of righting about the race for the Presidency of the United States of America, Romney vs. Obama. I thought of writing about the virtues of being ‘almost’ a vegetarian. I even thought of writing about the plight of the small business owner in […]
Democrats and Republicans: So Many Shades of Grey
I had an email conversation recently with a friend, more of an acquaintance actually, but someone I truly respect and admire. the tone went sour quite quickly and it made me a bit surprised and a bit sad. The Back Story: If I had to label myself I would be a: Fiscally Conservative, Libertarian, […]
28 Ways to Stop Complicating Your Life, by Dr. James M. Wendling, The Wendling Group
I got this email today and it was so positive and intelligently written, I had to post it on my Blog. Dr. James M. Wendling and his Group offer a great deal of Wisdom, go check them out. 28 Ways to Stop Complicating Your Life Starting today… 1.Stop berating yourself for […]
Why Is the Story About Malia Obama Vacationing in Mexico Disappearing from the Web?
Also, Why are the American people paying for 25 Secret Service Agents to go to Mexico for a 13 year olds Spring Break? It must be costing the American Taxpayer well over $1 Million to let this kid go to Mexico while many tax paying Americans are having ‘Stay-cations” at home this year to lack […]
Vote Everyone Out Come Fall. It’s all we can do, and we can do it America!
A Dear friend just sent this to me, so simple, so powerful: Hello, this is something I have felt compelled to write for some time and so I finally did. Please take a moment to read this message and contemplate the magnitude of the impact you can make. Our political system is completely corrupt, […]
United States Soon to have Highest Corporate Tax Rate in the World
Hi Friends, I came across this article in the website by way of the website. I just had to copy and paste it into my blog. I don’t usually do this but I am including for attribution and linkbacks so I think it’s fine with all. One Month to Go Until We Have […]
Richard Uzelac Internet Marketing: Be Real
Richard Uzelac Marketing, if there was such a thing, would emphasize content first, not sparkle. Most older SEO techniques were just that “techniques”. The major search engines have grown wiser in the past couple of years and more than ever: Original Content is King. I’ll be back soon with more on Richard Uzelac Marketing and […]
Penn State 2011 Big Ten Wrestling Champions!
Penn State wins the 2011 Big Ten Wrestling Tournament!
Happy Holidays from Richard Uzelac
Wishing everyone and their families a wonderful holiday season. May the New Year bring joy, happiness and success to us all.
GOiMarketing, Founded by Richard Uzelac
GOiMarketing, Richard Uzelac’s other company, is a more general Internet marketing solutions provider. Its services are Internet marketing, search engine optimization, search engine marketing, advertising, and company oversight. Richard Uzelac has always been an expert in internet Marketing Consulting, Search Engine Optimization., Pay per Click, Local Business Marketing, E-Commerce, Social Networking, Website Design, Marketing Plan […]