I had an email conversation recently with a friend, more of an acquaintance actually, but someone I truly respect and admire. the tone went sour quite quickly and it made me a bit surprised and a bit sad.
The Back Story:
If I had to label myself I would be a: Fiscally Conservative, Libertarian, Capitalistic, Free Market kinda guy. I believe people work for what they have. I believe the Federal Government should defend the nation with a strong military, defend the borders from invasion, mitigate interstate disputes, and build cool monuments to American that we can be proud. Beyond that, the Federal Politician is to follow the demands of their constituents, not the other way around. The people who elect him or her should have their voice heard and followed up upon, period. The Politicians would need to provide a transparent view of all tax revenues and how those revenues are being spent. I think any major allocation should be approved by the people. The politicians need to be held to the fire to provide justification for every item they spend the public’s money on.
My friend is a very caring bright guy. He believes most conservatives are a bit self serving I suspect. (I agree here, but what other way is there? Everyone is self serving.) He believes the elected officials should have autonomy to do good for the people. He believes in freedom of choice, but he believes also that the government has the right to control certain aspects of life, more forced involvement.
So here is where I stand:
Abortion: I think abortion is killing. I think conception equals life and that abortion kills that human life. But, I don’t believe the government can control what a woman does with her body. It hurts me to think I am supporting abortion, which I am not, but I don’t want Big Brother to force a woman to see that abortion is killing. This is a tough one for me, but that is where I stand. I would put a limit on first trimester abortions and outlaw as murder, any abortion after the first trimester.
Gays: Non-issue, what two adult people decide to do of their own free will is none of anyone else’s concern. There are so many issues in the world that demand more attention than this. Why do people need to control others to such an extent? It never works. I’m a Christian, a tolerant, loving Christian that believes in redemption and that Jesus loves us all and he wants people to decide for themselves to walk a righteous path: But they must decide themselves.
Muslims: I know a few Muslims that are some of the kindest, most honest and truly great people I’ve met, and I’ve met some scary Christians, and vice-versa: Scary Muslims and Good Christians. Even though the Koran pushes conquering all other religions, most Muslims don’t feel this way I would expect. In America we follow Constitutional Law, everyone. If you break the law you pay the penalty, no exceptions for any religion.
Illegal Aliens: Simple, the Federal government is to protect the borders. If someone comes over illegally, then that’s illegal, duh.
Taxes: Everyone, I mean EVERYONE above the poverty line needs to pay a set tax. Corporations need to pay their fair share, percentage of profits after expenses. There must be a way to do this.
Back to Democrats and Republicans. I think they are basically the same, the politicians that is. They all have egos, all want to be in charge, all stuff their cabinets and committees based on favor and debts owed and not on merit. So therefore, they are basically the same.
So, my friend out there, I think we are not too far off. Hopefully we can find a common ground at our level, if not, how will this nation ever find common ground in Washington DC?
Richard Uzelac